minyak lampu bahasa Inggris
- minyak: black-gold; dowser; oil; oils; gas pedal;
- lampu: lamp; types of lamp; light fixture; luminaire;
- lampu minyak: oil-lamp; oillamp; oil lamp; lamp
- lampu penerangan minyak: oil lighting
- lampu pijar minyak tanah: kerosene incandescent light
- lampu: lamp; types of lamp; light fixture; luminaire; lamps; light; little helper; illumination; electric light; wick lamp; lightness; torch; visible light; lights; light source; incandescent lamp; spark;
- minyak: black-gold; dowser; oil; oils; gas pedal; half-and-half dressing; throttle; naphtha; crude oil; kerosine; adipose tissue; oil colour; petroleum; gun; fossil oil; black gold; fat; fatty tissue; oil c
- baterai-lampu: lighting battery
- bola lampu: light bulb; bulb; lightbulb; medulla oblongata; medulla; electric-light bulb; lamp bulb; electric light; electric bulb; incandescent lamp; incandescent light bulb
- cahaya lampu: lamplight
- fiting lampu: light socket
- gas-lampu: illuminating gas
- hitam lampu: smoke-black lamp-black
- jaringan lampu: lighting-mains; lighting-network
- kaca lampu: lamp-chimney
- Lamp oil, grappling hooks, three dozen leather skins, glass, scrap iron.
Minyak lampu, bergulat kait, tiga lusin kulit kulit, kaca, memo besi. - Oh, I spilled the lamp oil.
Aku menumpahkan minyak lampu. - 9. when the oil pump runs out of oil, the alarm light will automatically prompts alarm, after refueling finished, the alarm light will turn off .
9. ketika pompa minyak kehabisan minyak, lampu alarm akan otomatis meminta alarm, setelah pengisian bahan bakar selesai, lampu alarm akan mematikan. - It is widely applied in industrial pipeline processing, explosion-proof equipment, military industry, chemical industry, oil exploration, lamps and lanterns, metal processing, ironware, building, etc.
Ini banyak digunakan dalam pemrosesan pipa industri, peralatan anti ledakan, industri militer, industri kimia, eksplorasi minyak, lampu dan lentera, pemrosesan logam, barang besi, bangunan, dll.